вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

Some More Ways To Attract People To Your Website

Nowadays, most of companies have very professionally designed, beautiful looking, full of useful information sites. Most likely they have invested very significant amounts of money to develop their sites. Obviously, the main purpose of creating a site is not just to have it. It supposed to provide connections between a company and its existing and potential clients.

But how to make people aware of it? How to attract traffic to your website?

Fortunately, everyone can easily find a range of different answers to such questions. All you need to do is just put this question in, for example, Google search window, and dozens of diverse articles will come up immediately on a screen with different answers how it can be accomplished and, moreover, for free.
But most of them just repeat each other. That is why instead of listing of such popular tips, I have decided to analyze the real case that actually has happened with me.

As you maybe have noticed, almost all companies, no matter what kind of product they produce, always specify all their contacts on a product's packing include a company's website and links to their social network pages.
Have you ever visited one after seeing it, let's say, on the box of candies?
Personally I had never done it before yesterday.

What has happened yesterday?

As usual, I had a breakfast and read nutrition facts of Mom's Best Cereals that I've been eaten.

Then a title "Of course you care, and so do we..." at the back of cereals' box attracted my attention.
A text under the title described a company's policy in concern with the environment.
"What your family eats matters to you, but so does the impact your family has on Mother Earth..." says an excerpt from the text.

I have not only read the whole information on the box, I also have visited the company's website, Facebook page, and Twitter page in order to learn more about how the company concerns about the environment and what else it offers to its clients.

This is a little example how a company can catch client's interest by means of concentrating on a social significant issue.
This way of presenting of a company not only attracts an attention, but also increases company's reputation, and evokes people's desire to be involved in such activity.

I also have analyzed which techniques the company uses to attract visitors to its website.

1. Qualitative building and equipment of the website.

Mom's Best Cereals's has very nice looking and functional website, which is very easy to use and full of necessary and helpful content such as a tool for finding nearest stores. It also provides links to company's social media pages and a company's blog with news and media.

Mom's Best Cereals's Website
Mom's Best Cereals's Blog

"Find a near store" option on the website

2. Providing a relevant and useful content on a Facebook and Twitter pages.

Mom's Best Cereals's Facebook and Twitter pages contain information about the company, including diverse media, a link to its website, and many other ways to contact with the company, which is very important because it demonstrates how the company is interested in opinions of customers and how important it is for it.

The company also provides some relevant conversations with clients, as well as responds to their questions and feed-backs.
Mom's Best Cereals's Facebook page
has almost 19.000 followers and let its followers
to download company
desktop wallpapers

Mom's Best Cereals's Twitter page

3. Attracting clients' interest by means of packaging.

Links to the company's website and
 social network pages
As I have mentioned, my attention was attracted by certain information on a product's box where all company's contacts and links were specified.
And it really works! Now I know it exactly.

Company's packaging

4. Submitting of the website to major web directories.

Using website directories is a very effective method for building links back to your website. It provides a lot more exposure on the Internet. 
A list of the best website directories you can see here.

As we can see, the company has been making a lot of effort to attract the attention of customers to its product. But there are some suggestions that would help it to develop further.

Let's look at some opportunities and suggestions for the company that supposed to make the company's promotion activity more effective:

  • post more frequently on social media pages;
  • propagate the website with video marketing (for example, conduct a video interview with an expert within an industry, make a viral video);
  • start an Instagram page;
  • conduct competitions with prizes on social media pages;
  • place a bar code on the package that would lead clients to the website.

There are so many creative ways to attract more clients' attention to your product and brand. As we can see from the example, an idea and design of packaging can provide many additional benefits to promote your company.
Proper emphasizing of features of your product and advantages of using it by means of the tools that were discussed above can help company to increase an interest to a brand and even reach new potential clients.

1 комментарий:

  1. I have seen that with consistency and perseverance,it is possible to achieve phenomenal results in the website traffic. But really one of the challenges is attracting the traffic to the website, one of the BIGGEST challenges is attracting the RIGHT traffic to the website.Thank you for sharing your nice thoughts, Irina. This question is so important and actual for me
